Cooper is a now twelve week old cream Golden Retriever. His owners contacted me before they even brought him home at eight weeks old. They wanted to be certain they were starting off correctly from the beginning with his socialization and training. They started my training program just a few days after his arrival! Cooper is really beginning to blossom. He has been riding in the car, meeting friendly dogs, getting used to traffic, learning how to relinquish resources, and is gradually experiencing all the things he will need to be a relaxed, confident and friendly adult.

Cooper is an excellent student and his owners are quite diligent about his basic obedience training. He is learning loose leash walking, sit, stay, down, come and place and really enjoys the positive feedback of training. Like most puppies his age we are still working on his nipping, but as time goes by he is improving in every area. I am very impressed with Cooper and his family, they really want Cooper to grow up to be an excellent member of their family!

