
Harley the Sweet Lab mix

Harley the sweet Lab mix

Harley is a seven month old Lab mix. He was adopted from Mutt rescue and was soon adopted by his new person.

Harley is very sweet, gentle, and friendly pup. His owner came to me to make sure he got off to a good start and had excellent skills to be able to go everywhere with him.

Harley learned all of his obedience training in just 6 sessions!

His owner's dedication and follow through have assured Harley a bright future being the perfect companion for his favorite human!



The silver lining of Beau

Beau is a five month old Silver Lab.

His owners contacted me because he is a lively and very brave puppy that often jumps and gets into mischief.

I found him to be a bright and attentive student that loves learning new things. His training has made a big difference in his manners and his owners have really made an effort to catch him behaving so he has now learned that good behavior is rewarded!



Henley the three year old Cavapoo from West Boylston

Henley is a three year old Cavapoo. She is very sweet and lovable. Her owners are having their first child soon, so they hired me to help her learn better manners with jumping up on everyone, to teach her to come on command and to stop barking when instructed.

Henley loves to learn new things, she is very bright, eager and her family is really enjoying seeing her progress.

I look forward to seeing this family every time we meet, as we prepare Henley for her future with a new family member!!!



Nena from Gardner MA

Nena is a nine month old terrier mix. She was adopted by her owner from the Sterling Animal Shelter. Her owner hired me to help him build Nina’s confidence and to teach her obedience training.

Nena is a bright student and her owner is very good with the consistency of her training. In just two short weeks, Nena has learned to come when called, to sit and stay, and to lie down on command. Her confidence is also growing everyday as she becomes more familiar with her home and visiting new places with her owner

This new relationship between Nena and her new owner is an excellent match!



Clover from Boylston MA

Clover is a three year old sweet well-rounded dachshund mix!

Previously, her owners took a pet store training course where she learned some commands. However, her owners desired more consistency from her to keep her safe on their busy street. Clover is a very sweet dog to work with and is enjoying learning Recall, Place and Loose leash walking. Even after two lessons she is showing amazing progress!

This young couple are positive, upbeat, and are really excited about Clover’s advances so far.



Ozzie from Auburn

Ozzie is a ten week old terrier beagle mix. His owners signed up for training because he is a very active puppy that loves to nip and jump. I found that he needed a lot more exercise and more frequent rewards when he is relaxed and calm to reinforce his good behavior.

Ozzie is also learning basic obedience commands very successfully. He seems to enjoy attention and is going to be an excellent student that loves to be busy and learning new things. Ozzie's family are very patient and have an excellent sense of humor with him. He definitely has found his forever home!



Chocolate Sadie

Sadie is a one year old Lab/Pit mix.

Her family decided they needed some help because she is very fearful of other dogs. She responds by barking and backing away, making it impossible to walk her in their dog-friendly neighborhood.

Recently, we started to teach her to walk on a loose leash with dogs at a distance and to come when she is called. Sadie will slowly be desensitized to dogs by training at a distance from them, and eventually exposing her to friendly well trained dogs. Over time, Sadie will learn that other dogs are safe, approachable, and even fun to be around! Her families goal is that she will eventually be able to attend doggy daycare. Even in this short time of training, it is easy to tell that it is absolutely an obtainable goal.




Omar is a very sweet 8 month old collie mix.

His owners adopted him at Mutt Rescue in Chicopee Ma.

Although he has had just two sessions, he has learned several obedience commands in a very short period of time! Omar still needs some work on jumping up to greet people, but his family is working very hard on training him... His paws are on the ground when people arrive!!!

So far, Omar and his family have been a joy to work with, and I look forward to working with them all each week!



George's New Life

George is a 1 year old Huskey mix. He was adopted at Mutt Rescue in Chicopee Ma. by a young couple who live in Western MA.

George started his training as a very fearful dog indeed! He refused to go into a crate, was afraid of almost all people, noises, household items, and absolutely terrified of traffic. Over the course of six weeks we have successfully taught George all of his Basic Obedience, to walk down the road with traffic, to understand that living in a home is safe, and to be handled by people. He still has anxious moments, but his owners now have the skills to bring him even further along. Now that spring is around the corner, it will be much easier to expose him to even more sights, sounds, and people to bring him the rest of the way through his rehabilitation process!!!



Blitz the Charmer

Blitz is a one year old cream colored golden retriever. He is very sweet and active. His owners contacted me because their other eleven year old dog is very fearfully aggressive of Blitz. We have started a slow, but very successful series of slow safe introductions for them to each other.

Blitz is also learning Basic Obedience and learning how to control his impulses. He is a very eager student, but is quite powerful. We have introduced him to an anti pull piece of equipment that has enabled his owners to walk him a lot more! I am extremely happy with his progress and his owners full commitment to him. He is on the road to becoming a more relaxed and happy dog!





Lola is a 9 month old Yorkshire Terrier who is owned by a woman who works from home.

She went thru puppy kindergarten at a local training facility however some issues were not addressed. She was lunging at cars and was doing inappropriate chewing around the house.

In just a few short weeks she has made dramatic improvements! Her owner is looking forward to the warm weather where Lola and her can safely enjoy nice walks in the neighborhood. Lola also now only chews on "Her"chew toys!!





Roxie is a five month old Boxer puppy. She lives in my old neighborhood from when I was growing up… I actually used to deliver the newspaper to her owners home as a child!

Roxie is a happy and social puppy, and just needs a bit of training and guidance to teach her not to jump on people and to follow Basic Obedience Commands. She is wonderful to work with and progress has been fast since her owners are very committed and dog experienced. I look forward to working with her again next week to work on the place command!
