The first eight to twenty weeks is the most impressionable period of a dog’s life. Dogs should learn to look to humans for direction and support, and also how to cope with the various stresses that come from living in a human environment. Puppy kindergarten includes obedience training based on positive feedback. It sets boundaries and begins building the foundation of trust that will help your puppy develop to its fullest potential.

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By the age of seven months, most dogs have already formed an impression of the world and developed an understanding of how to relate to humans. They are more focused than younger puppies and can learn new behaviors or change old ones rapidly. Obedience training is therefore appropriate for owners who desire more control over their dog’s behavior, or who want to further challenge their dog’s mind. Commands include: heel, sit, down, stay, come, finish, and place. 

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Many dogs exhibit frustrating behaviors like excessive barking and sometimes dangerous behaviors like jumping, nipping, and destructive tendencies. These often result from separation anxiety and fear. Housebreaking problems are a particularly common source of tension for dog owners. Behavior modification is required to address these issues, and to allow owners and dogs to live together more harmoniously. 

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Why choose a Private Trainer for your Canine Family member?

Well, for starters...

  • We personality profile your Canine family member to be certain the right techniques are being used

  • We get to know you and your Canine family member intimately

  • We recognize that some issues only occur on your dogs territory

  • We realize that using food as a reward doesn't always work

  • We know that Field trips maybe necessary for working on weak areas

  • Training in your home allows for working on house manners and behaviors that need to be changed

  • We understand that your Canine family member is more relaxed and inclined to show behaviors in their own home

  • Some owners just cannot attend a group class

  • You have the undivided attention of the trainer

  • Weekly updates by text or a phone call are encouraged

  • Privately trained dogs and puppies are more advanced in their training