Nugget and Olive's owners have done a fantastic job making certain that they are more attached to humans than other dogs. The puppies obviously enjoy each others company and play, but are much more likely to be following a person around the house and making eye contact with them. Nugget and Olive are also completely housebroken, sit on command reliably, have mastered three levels of coming when called, enjoy riding in the car and are comfortable with people, traffic and loud noises. This week we are teaching them the down command, to go to their beds when told and to retrieve a favorite toy by dropping it into a persons hand. Nugget and Olive can now begin meeting other friendly dogs since they have had two sets of puppy vaccinations. We will start with gentle dogs and other playful puppies their own age and gradually work up and down until they are comfortable with most dogs. Our training will now also involve some field trips to start to teach them reliability in new and stimulating situations.  
