Juno's progress is coming along really well. He now follows his owner around the house and is allowing her gentle petting. He enjoys having the back of his ears scratched and has learned is name and the command sit. Juno now tolerates the sound of the TV, toilet flushing, and vacuuming. Now he will willingly take a short walk outside as long as there isn't a lot of activity close by. We are very slowly but continuously socializing him to things that most dogs normally completely ignore. He is absolutely responding to this approach.

Juno is still terrified of everyone except his owner and myself. We have not forced him to approach anyone, but he is not being allowed to hide when people visit his owner either. The first step is getting him to realize that he can trust his owner and doesn't need to flee every time he is faced with an uncomfortable situation. I have instructed his owner not to coddle him in these situations but to be neutral to his fearful reactions. Juno needs a calm, cool collective leader to snap him out of this and luckily for him that is a great description of his new owner!
