Bogey is a three month old Yellow Labrador Retriever. His owners called me to inquire about Puppy Kindergarten for him. As I spoke to them it was obvious that he is a very easy puppy to handle and the owners are quite experienced with dogs. As the conversation went on I realized that his owner has a disability and uses a wheelchair and that material that this puppy will have to learn will be different then most of the people who contact me.

They realized my originally career started as a Service Dog Trainer and that I would be able to help. Bogey will be learning how to walk next to his owners wheelchair and to have a very high level of socialization. Potentially as a young adult Bogey may enter the A.C.A.P. Program, and have further training to aid his owner in public. He would also learn to perform functional tasks that would really help his owner. I am looking forward to meeting Bogey and his family next week.


