Matilda took a field trip to Petco in Auburn Ma. (BTW the store manager was very rude to us) We could come into the store but her owners were told she wasn't allowed to train her in the store because they have their own trainers. What a joke! Petco the place where pets go? LOL. We walked around anyway. Which is exactly the same thing. The progress that she has made is remarkable. She has now learned that she can pass by people in close proximity. We have shaped Matilda's behavior so now when she hears her owner say "Nice Person" she wants to go to them and sit for her boiled piece of chicken. I am so happy for Matilda. Her imagined enemies are quickly all becoming her friends. She has allowed more people to pat her the past few weeks than in her entire life. You can watch by her body language that she is begining to trust our judgement and that we have everything under control. So far she has met several men and women and a six year old girl politely without any fear. My biggest challenge with Matilda going forward is to fade out my presence. This will take some time. Matilda up to this point has only been allowed to meet new people when I have been present and directly involved. Her previous rehearsed fear towards  people with her owners could potentially return if I don't gradually begin to faze myself out of the picture. Matilda really needs to bond with more people to "water down" the intensity in the relationship. This will make her even more open to being relaxed confident and friendly with everyone. 
